October 31, 2006

The 7 Myths about Internet Business

There are many myths residing in nearly every potential business person's head, while they
contemplate starting their own Internet business.

Let's look at them and see if they are getting in the way of you having your own work at home business and being free. Yes that's wright ! Being free to do the things you want to do.

Myth #1: I'm not smart enough to have my own business.

Perhaps. But but I doubt it. Online business is not for everyone. But I do feel that it is doable for almost anyone, including you.

If you have an average level of intelligence and a desire to learn, you can grow an income stream from the web. You just have to follow the step by step success guide provided to you.

Myth #2: I don't have the time it takes to start or grow an income source online.

For most people working full time jobs, 40 hours a week, it is possible. I work 35 + hours a week, I have a family to take care of and a house to tend to. But I found a couple hours a night to get a business started. If you want something bad enough, there is almost always enough time to make it happen.

Myth #3: I don't have the money it takes for a new business.

That's doubtful. The cost of online business really can be dirt-cheap. Website design, you don't have to worry about, we provide one for you. Some of the tools you will need are
available for the cost of an evening at the restaurant.

It will cost you less than $100 to join all 4 Money-Making Affiliate Programs right now and activate the Cash Generating Side To PIF4P's.

Myth #4: I'm not an expert at anything.

You don't have to be. No need to worry about programming, web or graphic design,
scripts, or content and product creation (it's all done and ready for you already!)

Our Revolutionary Sponsoring Concept Teaches you how to do it. You can become an expert with the tools and resources available to you.

Myth #5: I have nothing to sell.

You don't need to sell anything. There's no inventory to keep, no staff to pay, no merchant accounts to set up, and no costly and time-consuming application process to go through.

The Sponsoring Franchise System is here to offer you a system for profits and for life!

Myth #6: Someone is already doing what I want to do so it is useless trying to compete.

This is one of the worst excuses, yet one of the most common I see. Many people think that if an idea is already being implemented online, that they "missed the boat". What they fail to realize is that if their idea is being done, then it may be a successful idea, and something worth pursuing!

Right now, there are millions of people looking for a reliable home business opportunity to sign up for on the Internet. Once you are positioned through your various marketing activities, many of those active home business seekers will sign up through your links instead of someone else's.

Myth #7: I'd need a big advertising budget to get any results.

Wrong. The web is the perfect medium for generating leads and bringing traffic to your site. This "Funded Proposal" is helping people eliminate their advertising costs forever.

There you have it. The top 7 Myths about Web Business that are keeping literally millions of people stuck in that J-O-B (Just Over Broke). If you're not on your way to generating profits online, you may find that you believe one of those myths.

Don't fall for it. Don't let a false belief keep you from one of the best opportunities in centuries -- an online business of your OWN.

Wouldn't becoming free and financially independent be a life-changing accomplishment?
I mean, you could actually enjoy your life and do what you wanted to do with your time.

To our Success!

Chantal Lennon

October 24, 2006

The 7 Secrets of Success

In order to achieve Success; you must think like a successful person,
you must act like a successful person and you must understand what
the word « Success » means.

Here is my definition of « Success »

S olo Focused

U nlocked Imagination

C rystal Clear Path

C onnection to the Heart

E xtraordinary Energy

S kill Set

S top at Nothing.

If you're ready to discover the secrets behind our Funded Sponsoring
Franchise and how to use them to take your business to a whole new
level, then check this out for Instant and FREE access!


To our Success!

Chantal Lennon

October 21, 2006

Keeping your Dreams Alive

Not long ago I was looking trough my e-mails and I came across this article from Mastering your Primary. I would like to share it with you. Here it goes.

The title is: Keeping Your Dreams Alive...

Many of us have aspirations of a more prosperous life, more time for ourselves & family, money for retirement, a larger house, a fancy sports car, grand vacations, you name it.

But things might get in the way, such as:

* Your environment and the people you know and hang around.

* The mental programming you are receiving by what you are watching on TV, reading or hearing on a daily basis.

* Your daily habits of your words, thoughts and actions.

Think about the past few hours. Is what you've seen, heard, said or did getting your closer to your goals or taking you further away?

Make a quick mental list of all the negativity you were bombarded with this past week. Think of all the TV shows you watched, the radio you listened to, the conversations you heard and had. How did or how could they affect your dreams and goals?

You need to identify negative influences, limiting beliefs, and habits that might be getting in your way and replace them with beliefs that serve your highest good.

Here are 3 things you can do to keep your dreams alive, and turn them into reality.

1. Get clear about what you really want to do, have and become.

Take a notepad and go some place you feel peaceful, like the deck in your backyard or a favorite sitting room in your house, and reflect on what you really want. Write it all down in your notepad to help anchor it into your mind. Now I'm sure you have heard this many times before -- but seriously, have you ever done it?

2. Seek out positive people and mentors.

Make a list of the 5 people closest to you, such as friends, family, co-workers, and determine whether they encourage your dreams or discourage you. Surround yourself with people whose dreams are as big or bigger than yours.

3. Feed your mind with positive influences.

Is the majority of what you are filling your brain with congruent to the vision of you want out of life? Or is it simply a mindless or negative distraction that does nothing to exercise your brain or promote positive thoughts? You might monitor what your children are watching and listening to -- but are you doing the same for yourself? Be careful of negative programming - no matter what age you are.

We've been in the network marketing industry a long time, and the most successful and prosperous people in the business actively pursue their dreams and have a daily self-development regime.They know that by feeding their brains with healthy, positive influences they are programming themselves for success and prosperity.

I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did and that it will guide you in growing your business.

To our Success!

Chantal Lennon