August 01, 2007

An ancient secret.

Acai Berry an ancient secret from the rainforest

Hidden deep within the Amazon Rainforest is a small, dark violet berry that possesses scientific properties claimed by no other fruit. The Acai berry has been harvested for centuries from the 25 foot Acai palm and in the search for wellness, we have developed the most powerful fruit blend of its kind.

Allow us to introduce MonaVie, a potent fruit juice blend of 19 fruits with its main ingredient the Amazon's Acai berry, named the #1 anti-aging super food in the world by Dr. Nicholas Perricone on the Oprah Winfrey show.

The Acai Berry is truly a wonderful plant. Acai Berries grow on an Amazon Palm Tree and have been prized for hundreds of years by Brazilian natives for their ability to provide a sense of strength, energy, and a high nutritional content. The health benefits are simply amazing.

With the symmetry of a grape and the size of a giant blueberry, the Acai fruit tastes a bit like wild raspberry with a hint of grape and chocolate.

MonaVie consists of the Acai berry as the headline ingredient, with 18 other all-star fruits uncommonly rich with nature's benefits: pomegranate, bilberry, passion fruit, wolfberry, blueberry, kiwi, cranberry, apricot, prune, nashi, aronia, pear, acerola, banana, camu camu, lychee fruit, and dark-and white pigment grapes.The finest fruits from around the world to give you the daily recommendation of fruit intake without all of the cost and hassle of preparation. These fruits were added to create the right balance of health-building phytonutrients contained in the entire color spectrum. This addition of variety adds to, complements and synergistically enhances the product's potential. To best capture all the rich nutrients, the fruits were pureed in their entirety—flesh, skin, and seed.

Chantal Lennon

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