January 10, 2007

Writing and Publishing Articles on the Net to Earn Lifetime Income.

Once you have an article written where YOU are the author, you become an instant authority. When people find your article, read it and get some good information from it, they appreciate you. That appreciation quickly grows into trust and when they click the link in your article resource box to visit your website, they will be much more likely to sign up with you in one of your recommended business opportunities or buy one of your recommended products.

Here are the top seven ways in which an article can help explode your business.

* Reach more people

* Free Advertising

* Gain High Search Engine Ranking

* Increases Link Popularity

* Optimizes your site for improved search engine ranking

* Establishes a Good Impression and Reputation

* Enhances your credibility through references and testimonies

Original, relevant, useful and pertinent articles are important tools you should utilize to improve and explode your business. Getting your articles published on other people's websites is 100% FREE advertising for life.

For an awesome guide on how to write affective articles visit this site: http://bulldogmkg.kspecial.hop.clickbank.net

Remember, the more links you get on quality websites pointing back to you, the more money you will make online. It's really that simple.

If you want to really make your article "SELL" then you've got to craft the perfect RESOURCE BOX. This is the "author bio" that is below your article body and it's also known as your "SIG" (short for SIGnature).

Here are the essential items that should be in your RESOURCE BOX:

* Your Name

* Your Website Address

* Your Elevator Pitch: This is 1 to 3 sentences that explaining what makes you and your offering unique.

* Your Call To Action. This is where you "Ask For The Sale." I recommend that you only give (1) specific call to action.

Here are some optional items you could include in your RESOURCE BOX:

* Your Ezine Subscription Address

* Your Contact Information

* A Free Report

What NOT to include in your RESOURCE BOX:

* A listing of every website you own. It is best to only post (1) URL that is related to the topic of your article.

* A listing of every accomplishment you've achieved. (No one cares).

Keep the size of your resource box so that it's no larger than 20% of your total article size.

Your next step is to decide how you want to submit your articles. You can do it by hand one site at a time. Or you can automate your article submissions and get your article posted to hundreds of different websites instantly.

Doing it by hand: The drawback of doing it by hand is that it takes a lot of time and effort.

Here’s a list of 100 article directories I've located.

Automate it: You get everything you need to write and submit articles and it'll take you a lot less time and effort .

Here’s a powerful Article Submitter; Content Propulsion Lab http://contentpropulsionlab.com/index.htm

The BODY of your article is where you "GIVE" and the RESOURCE BOX is where you "TAKE". The resource box is the "currency of payment" you receive for giving away your article.

Chantal Lennon


Invest in yourself unless you'd feel it's a poor investment.

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