March 22, 2009

Powerful List Builder for ONLY $3.00

As a WorkFor3Dollars Club member You will be able to create YOUR OWN List of Double Opt-in LEADS of REAL Money Seekers!

WorkFor3Doallrs is exactly what every internet marketer needs. It is over $1000.00 worth of internet marketing information and downloads as well as a powerful list builder that will be filled with your own contacts and you can send an email to every one of them with one click. This is absolutely what we have all been looking for.

3 Dollars is a small price to pay for such a team concept and what makes this exciting is that it is brand new and we all know that is the best time to get in anything. WF3D offers massive income potential for each of its user. You get commission income from each member who joins your team ... up to 15 levels deep.

This system is a "3x15 matrix". This means you need only 3 referrals to fill your first level. Unlike most other programs, you need no experience or special skills to join - just fill your first level with 3 referral and teach them to do the same.

WorkFor3Dollars allows you to email ALL your downline and send them a bulk message once a week! This means that you can help your team .... even if there are thousands ... or even millions of them in an easy and convenient way!

You NOW get to JOIN our TEAMWORK NETWORK which has all our members TOGETHER on our own branded network. We are interacting and discussing ideas in real time while having fun as well! TEAMWORK IN ACTION now 24/7 & it is just another AWESOME tool that TeamWork supplies on its own to add to your $3.00

Having access to all of these powerful list builder’s tools such as, The Teamwork Concept, Teamwork Radio, Teamwork Private Social Network and the WF3D opportunity, there has never been so much value for only $3.00.

To your success,

Chantal Lennon

p.s. I invite you to watch this great video that was put together for the members of Work for 3 dollars.

Invest in yourself unless you feel it's a poor investment.

As Featured on

1 comment: said...

Good Job on your Blog Chantal..
You have the support of your Team on Teamwork make the Dream work.
you may have left them your and that you have Skype and a Teamwork Chat room That you can invite them to?
Take to you on Skype.